Finally, a bit of an update...
At the end of August I returned back to Ireland from my summer away. Being back home was nice and I was more or less waiting for Mel to return from her trip. She returned back on the 6th and we went to Germany for a bit on the 8th :) I feel very lucky to have gotten on two nice trips so close together. It was a year since my last holiday when I went to Thailand but I think between July and September, I more then made up for a year without a break.
The trip to Germany was amazing. It was quite short at just 10 days but we managed to fit a lot in. We flew into the north of Germany via Lubeck and then went up to Mel's parents place which is right up beside Denmark. Mel's mother was celebrating her 60th birthday so there was a big bash on. We stayed around there for a bit and even made a trip out to Sylt! From there we went down to a small town beside Dortmund (via Hanover) where one of Mel's friends lives. Then we hitch hiked out way down to Mel's brothers house which is close to Munich. Unfortunately, we only had one day in Munich which we ended up spending at the opening day of Oktoberfest in the HB tent :) The next day, when I was feeling a little “worse for wear”, we flew out of an airport close to Lake Constance. The trip was great and I wanted to spend longer on it. I got to do and see a lot of things in a short time, but I really wish it could have been much longer!
Since we came back from Germany, it's been back to work for me again. We had a party for Edgespace's first birthday (a quieter affair then last years party but a great time was had by all), a going away party of Gerard and Diarmuid who are going to New Zealand for 9 months, and last week, my brothers belated 21st party.
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