For the second time in a month my feckin bed broke. The hooks that hook into the head board just snapped! I was so annoyed when I had to sleep on the floor. (Trying to fix a bed at 1am is something that I don't do!) I now have to figure out how to take it apart and rebuild it. (Alan did this for me the last time it broke but he is now in California) I love my apartment, the location, the view, the space but some times these things really piss me off. They did so well building all the stuff and then skimp on finishing the job off.
The meal went well last night. Although we did arrive at the house to start cooking at the same time as our first guests so the cooking was a bit stressful. I now know that myself and Mel can work well under pressure. Lots of wine was consumed and I think a good time was had by all.
Twit :) LOL :D
And before you ask, no you can't use my bed...
I suggest first removing all the brackets that are bend and straightening them with the hammer. Use the patio slabs as a makeshift anvil. They're particularly useful for the hooked parts of the bracket as you can put the hooked bits between the joins in the slabs and hammer the back side.
Next go and buy some 4 inch screws. You'll need to make sure that they're the relatively skinny ones with small heads so that they'll countersink well into the brackets. Buy 1 or 2 extra per piece of the bracket. Of course with the regularity you manage to break your bed, you might want to get lager headed, thicker screws. You will need to pre-drill small holes for these though or you'll split the wood.
Now go get the power drill and screw the brackets back into the bed.
If you're feeling particularly adventurous, when you have the brackets screwed in with the existing screws, get one of the steel drill bits and drill extra holes between the ones that are there already and screw in any extra screws you bought...
:) Already fixed.
Myself and Mark went up to Woodies and got 4 large heavy plates and 4 conner brackets. We hammered out the broken ones and rebuilt the bed. The we reinforced with LARGE screws and the plates/brackets.
It's a pretty good job. (Hopefully it will last a few months :))
Oh, and God help anyone who tries to dismantle and move the bed :)
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