Number 1 was yesterday, number 2 today... Seriously - it's the SUMMER time... Grrrrr
Met Eireann proubly anounces todays weather as "Showers or longer spells of rain, with some very heavy or thundery downpours." - that has been the outlook for the last week. I can deal with training in crappy weather all winter - that's fine - but the summer has to be a bit nicer! It's warmer, yeah - but much wetter.
Met Eireann proubly anounces todays weather as "Showers or longer spells of rain, with some very heavy or thundery downpours." - that has been the outlook for the last week. I can deal with training in crappy weather all winter - that's fine - but the summer has to be a bit nicer! It's warmer, yeah - but much wetter.
Weather is the same over here, although monday evening I got a sunny ride. Yesterday I was drenched!
Bizarly, I timed my spin in such a way that I didn't get rained on at all... Rivers were flowing past me on the road but none came from the sky - I even got some sun while I was around Laragh.
This weather is driving me nuts...
Oh, you should tell Mel that the UK has sucky weather too - each race we did in the UK this year (except MM) has had nice enough conditions.
Surely mayhem showed how bad the weather can be? As the campsite blew away? I managed to have a ride in the sun yesterday! Got back near home and rivers were running down the road, glad I didn't ride round here! Since I live in the North West I get lots of rain, I'm led to believe that living in other areas of the country the weather can be a lot drier!
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